
I innerknow

A platform for You to shine and build guest interaction a 70-30% split with advertisement granting your day and time of class, you may hand out your business information.

Classes are $9-$12 per person and a one day event with two different times space allow 6 people so you may have 5 people per class that’s 10 people per day.

Authors Teachers Instructors Sign-Ups

Nook Of The Forest

Nook of the Forest Eliminate negative attachments. Glass jar soy wax candle

Whimsical Rose

Whimsical Rose Attract affections a call for love Give and Receive. Glass jar soy wax candle

Fruit Of The Vine

Fruit of the vine Surrounding your self and home with love. Glass jar soy wax candle

Pixies Paradise

Pixies Paradise Bring marital peace & happiness. jar soy wax candle